Raja Ampat - Dampier Strait Homestays

Raja Ampat – the epicenter of marine biodiversity. Stay in homestays scattered around the islands of Gam, Mansuar, Batanta, Arborek and Kri. We collaborate only with the best local dive centers – who can guide you safely. You will be staying in rather primitive bungalows – but you have the world! All the famous dive sites of the northern Dampier Strait are basically just in your eyeview: Chicken Reef, Sardine Reef, Cape Kri, Blue Magic, Mioscon, Mike’s Point and the list goes on. West Papua is the most bio diverse marine habitat on the planet! We recommend combining 2 homestays to cover a bigger area. (Please note that food & accommodation is fine, but very basic, and there are no menus to choose from).

Raja Ampat - Dampier Strait Homestays

All Year - Best: October to May
15 Days From € 2200 / Person

16 Dives From € 600

(Based on double occupancy)

(All Flights Included)