
Borneo Dayak Dance

Jungle Treks, Active Volcanoes, Tribes, Houseboats & Orangutangs

As Indonesia is so huge, and all trips are custom made, we only give you a taster of the possibilities here.

There are magnificent temples, soaring rivers perfect for riverrafting.  

Take a Divemaster course to develop your skills and get hands-on experience of life in a dive center. 

Jungle trekking - We can do day trips or multi day trips. Looking for wildlife, staying in tents or jungle lodges, meeting primitive people of the forest and searching for bigger wildlife.

Cooking classes - understand and learn the taste combinations of Indonesian cuisine. 

Active volcano treks from day trips to overnight camping trips through jungles all the way to the top. Besides the famous volcanoes there are even more spectacular and remote areas to explore.

Surfing - with so much coastline - there are quite a few places from beginner to expert level. Even a few hours for a few days is a good add on to any trip.

Cruise on a houseboat looking for wild orangutans, meeting Dayak tribes or even go hunting with them.

Birdwatching - again - we make half day trips and longer treks into the forests where we stay in either tents or simple local houses. A full on authentic and local experience.