East Nusa Tenggara - Alor Archipelago

Hammerhead sharks, mola mola, whales, dolphins, healthy coral reefs, amazing macro life in the bays, currents, calmness, culture and no crowds. Alor is a treasure in our world! Located between Flores and Sawoe Sea, Alor Archipelago is one of Indonesia’s last frontiers. The pantar strait is an authentic underwater paradise free of destructive fishing practice like blast and cyanide fishing. Locals are using traditional fishing techniques (bamboo trap, fishnet, line) therefore coral reefs remain virgin and marine life abundant. Alor and Pantar are the main Islands and the strait between the two is a world class dive attraction. Without crowds. 

reef top Alor

East Nusa Tenggara - Alor Archipelago

March to December
16 Days From € 2300 / Person

16 Dives From € 900

(Based on double occupancy)

(All Flights Included)